Summary of What is the Bible? [Animated Explainer]

The Bible is a collection of books that emerged from the history of ancient Israel, written by prophets who viewed Israel's story as central to God's plan for humanity.

The Jewish Bible, or TaNaK, consists of the Torah (Law), Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings), believed to be God's communication to his people.

The New Testament continues the story of Jesus, believed to be the long-awaited leader who would restore the world, written by apostles and early Christians.

Different Christian groups have varying views on the inclusion of Second Temple literature in the Bible, with Catholics and Orthodox churches including more books than Protestants.

The Bible is seen as a unified story that leads to Jesus, with profound wisdom for the modern world.


Notable Quotes

03:45 — « They expertly crafted the Hebrew language to write epic narratives, very sophisticated poetry. »
04:07 — « So whats in my Bible? »


