Summary of Water Cycle | How the Hydrologic Cycle Works

The water on Earth is all the water there has ever been on the planet, with freshwater being millions of years old.

The water cycle is essential for life on Earth.

The water cycle involves flows and stores of water between various sources such as clouds, oceans, ice sheets, glaciers, rivers, streams, reservoirs, wetlands, soil, plants, and underground aquifers.

precipitation is the process of water falling onto the Earth in various forms such as rain, snow, hail, fog, and mist.

Water can run off, infiltrate the soil, percolate into the ground, and move through underground aquifers.

evaporation occurs when water turns into a gas or vapor due to the heat of the sun, while transpiration is the release of water vapor by plants.

evapotranspiration is a combination of evaporation and transpiration, leading to the formation of clouds and eventually precipitation.

The water cycle involves processes such as collection, runoff, interception, infiltration, percolation, discharge, transpiration, evaporation, and condensation.

The movement of water in the water cycle is continuous and essential for the Earth's ecosystems.

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Notable Quotes

00:56 — « The Water Cycle, so simple even small children understand the basics, yet so complex, the most advanced earth scientists, hydrologists, geologists, and biogeochemists are studying every part and process. »
01:11 — « The Water Cycle is fascinating. Its something thats around us all the time, and yet we dont really understand it. »
01:23 — « With two words- flows and stores. The Water Cycle is a series of flows of water between various water stores or storages. »
02:35 — « Precipitation is the process of water falling onto the surface of the Earth. You can have precipitation in many forms- rain, snow, hail. »
04:19 — « Think of it as the water percolating through your coffee grounds in the morning. Gravity continues to pull it downwards so it will move through. »


Science and Nature
