Summary of Why do we watch TV? | Uses and Gratification theory explained

The video explores the concept of Uses and Gratification theory, which focuses on why individuals engage with media and how they use it to satisfy their needs.

Uses and Gratification theory contrasts with the Effects model, which suggests that audiences are passive and influenced by the media.

Researchers in the 1970s linked Maslow's hierarchy of needs to how people use media to gratify their needs, such as for surveillance, personal identity, personal relationships, and diversion.

The theory explains how individuals seek information, reinforce personal identity, connect with characters in media, and use media as a form of escape from reality.

Uses and Gratification theory is one of the foundational media theories, as it is relatable to individuals' personal engagement with media.


Notable Quotes

01:37 — « its why I watch the news and documentaries »
01:57 — « these are texts which reinforce your own values or beliefs »
02:23 — « at times we all get a bit lonely »
03:44 — « as always thanks for watching »


