Summary of Time Management - Google SoftSkills Program

Summary of "Time Management - Google SoftSkills Program"

Main Ideas and Concepts:

Detailed Bullet Points on Methodology and Instructions:


Reflect on personal Time Management practices and identify areas for improvement based on the five principles discussed.

Speakers/Sources Featured:

Notable Quotes

05:10 — « Being busy prioritizes the short term while productivity is all about long-term priorities. »
20:00 — « Though there's never enough time to do everything, there's always enough time to do the most important things. »
36:40 — « Focus is the ability to disengage our attention from one thing and move it to another. »
38:26 — « You don't want to be over promising, but you don't want to be under delivering. »
48:20 — « Strong time management requires the ability to adapt to changes. »


