Summary of Harry Deacon | We Should NOT Support No Platforming (2/8) | Oxford Union

Debate Summary

In this debate at the Oxford Union, Harry Deacon argues against the practice of "no platforming," which involves preventing individuals with controversial views from speaking publicly. He asserts that this practice is dangerous for several reasons:

Deacon concludes by highlighting the historical significance of the Oxford Union as a bastion of Free Speech and encourages members to engage in the conversation rather than shut it down.


Notable Quotes

01:00 — « The prevention of someone holding views considered offensive from contribution to public debate is profoundly dangerous. »
05:19 — « We progress not by shutting down homophobes but by argument and persuasion, rage and ridicule, openness and candor. »
07:35 — « No platforming implies that audiences are incapable of being confronted with provocative ideas; its moral premise is patronizing and dismissive. »
10:19 — « No platforming sets a dangerous precedent regarding the limitation of free speech. »
11:58 — « The Oxford Union is the last bastion of free speech in the Western world. »


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