Summary of How To Get Ahead Of 99% Of People (In 6-12 Months)

Become aware of what you don't want and where you will end up if you continue the same path in life

Observe the masses and think deeper, don't accept surface-level living

Create a vision for the future and an anti-vision to harness negative energy

Plan out your goals and strategies in detail, be specific

Cut out things that don't belong in your life, focus on your vision

Make a habit of the boring fundamentals, repetitive actions lead to success

Understand that success takes time and mastery, not quick results

Prioritize long-term success and mastery over quick fixes

Notable Quotes

03:46 — « Im not saying disappear like your physical body is just going to disappear, Im saying disappear from the things that dont belong in your life, cut them out., »
05:33 — « Transfer that into the real world and move the levers that will actually take you towards your goals, these are fundamentals, these are principles, these arent tactics., »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
