Summary of Getting into C++ with Unreal Engine - Part1 - Setting up

The video is the first part of a series aimed at helping people who want to use C++ with Unreal Engine. The speaker briefly covers installing the necessary software and setting up a development machine for working with C++ in Unreal. They discuss common classes and features encountered while working on projects, addressing the needs of both blueprint-only developers and those with prior C++ experience.

Additional Information

The video concludes by encouraging viewers to refer to the official Unreal documentation for more in-depth information. The speaker provides practical examples in the next video.

Notable Quotes

17:44 — « because just installing various engine features will probably take up over 90 gigabytes and thats even before you start creating your own projects and bloating them out with every free asset you can lay your grubby little hands on. »
21:21 — « their class default object thing works you may well end up loading that asset into memory before you actually want to use it and keeping it there after youre actually finished with it which probably isnt what you wanted. »
28:39 — « its actually quite common because you can have modules in your project which contain code that is only used by the unreal editor for example so when you compile your project for a shipping build that code is not needed. »
32:52 — « you can now make several much more elegant you game instance subsystem classes one for each distinct concept you want to encapsulate. »
34:27 — « the main point was just to give you a bit of background you can always come back and replay parts of the video that focus on things you need when you need it. »


