Summary of Pengantar Mata Kuliah Agama Islam - Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, M.A.

Summary of "Pengantar Mata Kuliah Agama Islam" by Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, M.A.

Main Ideas:

Methodology and Instructions:

Speakers or Sources Featured:

Notable Quotes

02:35 — « In recent developments, there are two extreme camps, the first is a very strict literal group that understands religion very rigidly, Crush radicals in a narrow sense, then the second group is a group called liberals who are so loose that almost no one standard in Debra Lynn. »
03:24 — « We embrace both of them, we hang together, where does the understanding lead to the ummatan wasathan of the middle class or moderate understanding, not extreme to the literal and not liberal. »
12:00 — « The understanding is middle tawasuth, not extreme clitoral or extreme liberal, but moderate tawasuth questions. »


