Summary of El Lecho de Procusto

The video "El Lecho de Procusto" explores the myth of Procrustes, a figure from Greek mythology known for his cruel practice of forcing travelers to fit his bed, either by stretching them or cutting off their limbs. This myth serves as a metaphor for the tendency to impose rigid frameworks on the complexities of human life, leading to oversimplifications and misunderstandings.

Key Artistic Techniques and Concepts:

Creative Processes and Advice:


Notable Quotes

01:58 — « The expression the Procrustean bed is used when it is intended that human life, with all its infinite and heterogeneous richness, is forced into preconceived and erroneous simplifications. »
04:36 — « It is ridiculous, yes, but every day we come across similar situations without finding them funny. »
07:18 — « Even the best mental models are just those mental models and we must never confuse them with reality itself, no matter how subtle the generalizations may be. »
10:34 — « The whole Dictatorship is by definition a Procrustean bed. »
11:28 — « Progress demands victims, I aspired to abolish the inequalities between high and low, I wanted to give a single form to the repugnant variety of the human race. »


Art and Creativity
