Summary of Cross products | Chapter 10, Essence of linear algebra

The video delves into cross products in linear algebra, starting with the concept in two dimensions and progressing to three dimensions. In 2D, the cross product of vectors equals the area of the parallelogram they span, with sign influenced by orientation. The determinant of a matrix created from the vectors' coordinates aids in cross product calculation. Moving to 3D, the true cross product yields a new vector perpendicular to the original vectors, its magnitude indicating the parallelogram's area. The right-hand rule determines the cross product's direction, with a 3D determinant formula commonly used for computations. Understanding the geometric representation of the cross product vector is crucial. ### Methodology: 1. In 2D, the cross product of two vectors is the area of the parallelogram they span, with orientation dictating the sign. 2. Use the determinant of a matrix formed by the vectors' coordinates to calculate the 2D cross product. 3. In 3D, the true cross product results in a new vector perpendicular to the two original vectors, with its magnitude representing the area of the parallelogram. 4. Use the right-hand rule to determine the direction of the 3D cross product. 5. Memorize a formula or utilize the 3D determinant for general cross product computations. ### Speakers: - Not mentioned

Notable Quotes

01:02 — « The cross product of v and w, written with the x-shaped multiplication symbol, is the area of this parallelogram. Well, almost. We also need to consider orientation. »
01:52 — « So since i-hat is on the right of j-hat, I remember that v cross w has to be positive whenever v is on the right of w. »
03:22 — « So the determinant, which generally measures the factor by which areas are changed, gives the area of this parallelogram, since it evolved from a square that started with area one. »
06:06 — « Using the right hand rule, their cross product should point in the negative x direction. »
07:20 — « Students are often told that this is just a notational trick. »
