Summary of Gai e lee ativam os portões internos na lutar contra a kyuubi Part1...

In this video, Gai and Lee activate their inner gates to confront the out-of-control Kyubi. Kabuto attempts to control Kyubi but fails, leading to a chaotic battle where Gai and Lee work together to immobilize Kabuto. Kakashi leaves Naruto with Hinata to prevent Kabuto's escape, but Kabuto activates the Edo Tensei jutsu. Gai and Lee engage in a fierce fight against Kyubi, with Lee delivering a powerful sequence of attacks. Hinata gets injured while protecting Naruto, who is eventually discarded as Kyubi absorbs his chakra. The situation escalates as the battle intensifies, showcasing the characters' determination and teamwork.


Notable Quotes

00:30 — « they activate the eight inner gates and finally manage to hit it Lee makes a huge sequence of attacks ending with Gai throwing the Kyubi away with his punch, she gets up and goes after Naruto to get more power. »
00:44 — « Hinata ends up hurting herself while protecting him Kyubi Places his hand over the seal and absorbs the chakra trapped in Naruto. »


