Summary of Les business de 2034 (ça se prépare maintenant et ça imprime)

The video delves into the future of business in 2034, highlighting the importance of preparing now for upcoming changes. It emphasizes the impact of technology and digitalization on individual sovereignty and independence, as well as the emergence of digital currencies. The discussion extends to the role of influential individuals in shaping markets and the potential growth of the security industry. Creating engaging applications and maximizing user engagement are identified as crucial strategies for success in the evolving business landscape.

Further Points Covered:

Topics Discussed in Subtitles:

Insights Shared:


The video concludes with a Q&A session that addresses entrepreneurship, marketing, and personal opinions on various subjects. Overall, the video provides a comprehensive overview of the evolving business landscape and the strategies individuals can adopt to thrive in the future.

Notable Quotes

40:47 — « limited staff and institutions... in complete disintegration. »
44:31 — « frankly in my opinion »
45:21 — « we were not going to see an explosion of unicorns Unicorn is a company worth more than a billion »
83:02 — « no longer move towards AI or blockchain or crypto blockchain software »
83:26 — « I created togan.i which is a copywriting solution based on the Open API and I have just resold this business »


Business and Finance
