Summary of The ONLY Way to get RICH for a Middle Class Indian - Documentary

The documentary discusses a unique financial strategy for middle-class Indians to achieve wealth, emphasizing the importance of "Specific Knowledge" rather than traditional routes like hard work, education, or connections. The main points and strategies highlighted in the video are:

Main Financial Strategies:

Methodology/Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Identify Your Interests: Choose a field that interests you.
  2. Recognize Unsolved Problems: Look for problems that need solutions within your chosen field.
  3. Acquire Specific Knowledge: Gain knowledge through experience, mentorship, and self-study rather than formal education.
  4. Test and Implement Solutions: Develop and test solutions to the identified problems.
  5. Adapt and Evolve: Be prepared to change fields or strategies based on market needs and personal growth.

Key Insights:


The documentary does not specify individual presenters but references various successful figures like Kishan Bagiya, A. Velumani, Steve Jobs, and Mukesh Ambani as case studies.

Notable Quotes

00:09 — « By using that scientific method, a boy from Chandigarh made 00 crores. »
00:19 — « A middle class school drop out boy earned Rs 4416 crores in the month of this year. »
07:42 — « Specific knowledge is such knowledge which cannot be taught in schools and colleges because if the colleges can teach you something, then they can teach that thing to anyone else too. »
15:34 — « It is absolutely possible to become rich ethically and honestly. »
16:15 — « You can also become rich, the next person can also become rich, when everyone starts solving big problems together, then everyone will benefit. »


Business and Finance
