Summary of POLITICAL THEORY - Karl Marx

Main Ideas and Concepts:

Methodology or List of Instructions:

Speakers or Sources Featured:

Notable Quotes

00:28 — « Nevertheless, we shouldn’t reject Marx too quickly. We ought to see him as a guide whose diagnosis of Capitalism’s ills helps us navigate towards a more promising future. »
02:14 — « In other words, a feeling of disconnection between what you do all day and who you feel you really are and what you think you ideally be able to contribute to existence. »
02:50 — « Understood emotionally, it expresses a deep-seated longing that we always have a place in the world’s heart, that we will not be cast out. »
03:24 — « Profit is simply theft, and what you are stealing is the talent and hard work of your workforce. »
08:41 — « But Marx was like a brilliant doctor in the early days of medicine. He could recognise the nature of the disease, although he had no idea how to go about curing it. »


