Summary of ¿Cuáles son los dominios en el desempeño de los proyectos?

The video discusses various domains in project management performance, highlighting key strategies, methodologies, and the importance of Stakeholder Engagement. The main financial strategies, market analyses, and business trends presented include:

Main Financial Strategies and Business Trends:

Methodology / Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Identify stakeholders.
    • Analyze their expectations and needs.
    • Prioritize actions for involvement.
    • Implement follow-up and monitoring of engagement.
  2. Team Performance:
    • Develop leadership and interpersonal skills.
    • Establish team norms and culture.
    • Focus on high-performance team dynamics.
  3. Planning Performance:
    • Start with project requirements and plan deliverables.
    • Create time and budget estimates.
    • Adjust plans according to changes in project scope and requirements.
  4. Execution Performance:
    • Manage project processes and resources.
    • Adjust to limitations and restrictions.
    • Maintain effective communication and commitment management.
  5. Delivery Performance:
    • Ensure deliverables add value.
    • Define project scope clearly.
    • Focus on quality management.
  6. Measurement Performance:
    • Use indicators to measure project success.
    • Ensure that measurements are meaningful and actionable.
    • Present information tailored to different stakeholders.
  7. Incentive Performance:
    • Manage risks and opportunities effectively.
    • Develop contingency plans for potential risks.

Presenters or Sources:

The video does not specify individual presenters or sources.

Notable Quotes

08:07 — « In the end, for the development of the project we are going to have a series of limitations. »
09:27 — « We are not obsessed with delivering value in projects. »
11:21 — « Unless it can be measured, it cannot be improved, so we have to keep it in mind in our project. »


Business and Finance
