Summary of 03 1 Research and Reference mp4

Research is an essential part of the design process, helping to develop ideas and expand concepts.

Research can lead to inspiration, options, and the exploration of new ideas.

There are two types of Research: exploratory and expansive.

Research should be used to capture the essence of the concept, not to find all the answers at once.

It is important to expand the limits of your sandbox before getting attached to a specific look or direction.

Notable Quotes

00:20 — « I know research might not sound like the most glamorous thing especially if youre not someone whos really into World building but it can serve a lot of purposes all of which can be crucial to both your development as an artist as well as the design process for the character itself. »
02:05 — « When it comes to character design at a higher level we should always assume the stance that there are possibilities we havent considered yet and by not exploring those ideas at the right time we risk limiting the quality and potential of the end result. »
03:01 — « This method is essentially like a brain map where Im hopping between research and writing to expand my options. »


