Summary of Las 5 Heridas Emocionales de la Infancia - AUDIOLIBRO- Pamela Jara Gómez - #heridasdelainfancia

The video by Pamela Jara Gómez explores the five emotional wounds of childhood and their impact on adulthood. The discussion emphasizes how these wounds can shape beliefs, behaviors, and relationships throughout life. Below are the key wellness strategies, self-care techniques, and productivity tips discussed:

Key Emotional Wounds and Their Manifestations:

Healing Strategies:

Additional Recommendations:


Notable Quotes

00:14 — « Our beliefs, thoughts, actions and reactions in adulthood are the result and consequence of what we have lived and felt since the womb. »
01:24 — « The sins of the parents will be inherited until the third and fourth generation. »
03:30 — « When we reach adulthood these wounds will constitute the invisible threads behind all our thoughts, beliefs, reactions and interpretations of the world around us. »
04:00 — « A wound of abandonment can have originated in an endless number of different situations or experiences. »
08:00 — « The internal judge represents that little voice that we all hear in our heads every time we are thinking about doing something different or making a risky decision. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
