Summary of Whole Foods Haul - Healthy Snacks

The speaker shares a Whole Foods haul, including coconut water, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, avocados, pineapples, peppers, fingerling potatoes, cashews, spelt flakes, honeydew melons, bananas, and more.

Notable Quotes

10:28 — « got some oranges juice I dont have a juicer as yet um but I do have my iron one and I have two more coconut waters me and my daughter drink coconut water um and spring »
12:25 — « but um as far as eating out we still do that when it comes to me »
14:28 — « um all right one second got potatoes cuz my mothers making potato sou for my daughter hold up wait a minute so I got another »
16:44 — « um fruits vegetables mostly »
21:03 — « tomorrow bye I love you and enjoy the rest of your evening or your day »


