Summary of The self-help lie I've seen ruin people's lives

In the video "The self-help lie I've seen ruin people's lives," the presenter discusses the dangers of oversimplifying success in self-help narratives, particularly the notion that a growth mindset and Perseverance alone will lead to success. Instead, the presenter emphasizes a more nuanced formula for achieving success, which includes three key components:

Key Wellness Strategies and Productivity Tips:

Additional Insights:


Notable Quotes

00:00 — « There's a lie that goes around in self-help that I've recently realized is actually extremely dangerous. »
00:35 — « The definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome. »
09:22 — « Chasing extrinsic rewards will not help you in the long run. »
10:00 — « If you're doing something that takes you a long time to master, you're automatically going to be behind in the race to success. »
15:10 — « People think too small; they think about tiny details that they think are going to make them big when what they should be thinking is much more big picture. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
