Summary of The Patent Scam (1080p) FULL DOCUMENTARY - Education, Finance, Business


The documentary "The Patent Scam" explores the pervasive issue of Patent Trolling in the United States, highlighting the detrimental effects it has on small businesses and innovation.

Main Financial Strategies and Market Analyses

Methodology or Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Identify a Weakness: Patent a vague or obvious idea that can be interpreted broadly.
  2. Set Up a Shell Company: Create a company that exists solely for the purpose of holding patents and filing lawsuits.
  3. File Lawsuits in Favorable Jurisdictions: Target regions like the Eastern District of Texas, known for being sympathetic to patent holders.
  4. Leverage Non-Disclosure Agreements: Require victims to sign agreements that prevent them from discussing the lawsuit or settlement terms.
  5. Repeat the Process: Use the funds acquired from settlements to continue filing lawsuits against other small businesses.

Presenters or Sources

The documentary serves as a critical examination of how the patent system can be exploited and the urgent need for reform to protect innovation and small businesses from predatory practices.

Notable Quotes

00:00 — « No notable quotes »


Business and Finance
