Summary of Lecture 70: Object Oriented Programming in C++

Summary of Lecture 70: Object Oriented Programming in C++

Main Ideas:

Key Concepts Explained:

Methodology and Instructions:

  1. Defining a Class:
    • Use the class keyword followed by the class name.
    • Inside the class, define attributes (variables) and methods (functions).
    • Example:
      class Student {
          string name;
          int age;
          int rollNumber;
          string grade;
  2. Creating an Object:
    • Declare an object of the class.
    • Example:
      Student s1; // s1 is an object of class Student
  3. Accessing Attributes:
    • Use the dot operator to access and modify object attributes.
    • Example: = "Rohit";
      s1.age = 21;
  4. Using Constructors:
    • Define constructors to initialize object attributes when an object is created.
    • Example:
      Student(string n, int a, int r, string g) {
          name = n;
          age = a;
          rollNumber = r;
          grade = g;
  5. Dynamic Memory Allocation:
    • Use pointers and the new keyword to allocate memory for objects dynamically.
    • Example:
      Student* s2 = new Student("Mohan", 22, 102, "A+");

Conclusion: The lecture concludes by emphasizing the importance of OOP concepts like classes and objects in structuring code effectively, promoting code reuse, and enhancing data security.

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