Summary of 04 4 Develop a Critical eye for design mp4

The speaker discusses the concept of developing a critical eye for design, focusing on character design.

Next Topic Teaser

The video concludes with a teaser for the next topic on costume design as storytelling.

Notable Quotes

06:10 — « impactful Silhouettes I talked your ear off about Silhouettes in the last video but I cant stress enough how a good character design often if not always has a clear and decisive silhouette. »
07:56 — « everyone will have different intentions when it comes to character design meaning what counts as an acceptable design will change depending on how much the artist invests into the process. »
12:20 — « Styles and directions of the current generation of designers Id like to think that the creative industry at large is better off when its filled with people who Trust and Believe In Their Own frequency. »


