Summary of on booktok, anti-intellectualism & why it’s ok to criticise books

The video discusses the ongoing discourse surrounding "BookTok" and its perceived promotion of anti-intellectualism in literature. The speaker highlights a recent viral TikTok video that sparked significant conversation about this issue, emphasizing the shift in the BookTok community from thoughtful discussions to more superficial content driven by algorithmic preferences.

Key Points

The video ultimately argues for a more nuanced understanding of literature and encourages readers to embrace both enjoyment and critical engagement with books.


Notable Quotes

00:40 — « The terrifyingly Swift growth of anti-intellectualism is just a clear representation of the shift within our society. »
08:54 — « Reading for entertainment is an absolutely valid reason to pick up a book. »
11:28 — « We need to stop shutting people down for expressing any kind of criticism towards a book or an author just because you personally love it. »
13:16 — « By only ever praising anyone, you are basically doing them a disservice. »
18:28 — « When it comes to reading, suddenly everything needs to be perfect and deep and intellectual from the get-go. »


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