Summary of Jacques Baud - Ukraine : Le début de la fin?

Video Summary

In the video titled "Jacques Baud - Ukraine: Le début de la fin?", Jacques Baud, a former member of Swiss strategic intelligence and expert on Eastern countries, discusses the current state of the Ukraine conflict and its implications for both Ukraine and Russia. He argues that the situation has stabilized, but the Ukrainian military is facing significant challenges, including a deteriorating internal situation and reliance on Western support for military resources.

Baud explains that the Ukrainian strategy to bring the war into Russian territory, which was initially seen as a potential victory, has not been successful due to a lack of operational means. The Ukrainian army has been significantly degraded since 2022, leading to a reliance on Western military supplies. He emphasizes that the strategic idea of attacking within Russia was good in theory, but it did not align with the operational capabilities available to Ukraine.

He highlights the consequences of Ukraine's recent operations, particularly in the Kursk region, where the Ukrainian forces have extended their front line without adequate support, leading to losses and a dilution of their military strength. Baud notes that the Ukrainian military leadership appears to be divided, with political decisions overshadowing military strategies, which contrasts with the Russian military's more unified command structure.

Baud also discusses the changing public opinion in Russia, where support for military operations has increased, and the potential for a more extreme leadership should Putin be replaced. He points out that the war is not only about Ukraine but is also a broader conflict involving Western interests against Russia.

The economic situation in Ukraine is dire, with significant GDP loss due to territorial losses and ongoing military operations. Baud suggests that Western support has not led to the expected outcomes and that the conflict may be viewed as a lost cause by some U.S. policymakers.

In conclusion, Baud presents a complex picture of the ongoing conflict, highlighting the challenges faced by Ukraine, the resilience of Russian military strategy, and the broader geopolitical implications of the war.


Notable Quotes

31:00 — « The war in Ukraine is not about Ukraine; the war in Ukraine is in fact a war between Russia and the West. »
31:10 — « If the Russians want to achieve their objectives, they are faced with a dilemma. »
31:20 — « The situation cannot simply freeze on the Dnieper line. »
31:30 — « We find ourselves in a situation not very far from that which we have in Korea. »
31:50 — « The essence of combat is not focused on the conquest of territory but on the destruction of forces. »


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