Summary of Crash Course Modern History | British East India Company from 1600 - 1857

The video explores the history of the British East India Company from 1600 to 1857, covering interactions with Indian rulers, establishment of control, and power transfer to the British Crown. The methodology includes dividing the video into ancient, medieval, and modern history of India, discussing influence, revenue system, and administration. It also explores political, economic, and diplomatic tactics, the subsidiary alliance policy, doctrine of lapse, and the transition to British Raj. Various speakers such as Narsingh Udayak Da, Robert Clyburn, Lord Cornwallis, Tipu Sultan, Lord Wellesley, and Lord Dalhousie are referenced in the subtitles.

Notable Quotes

02:50 — « in 1765 He Institute System of Government Fati Panel »
33:55 — « That Handed Over Line Within This Film Company Went To Vaikuntha Rulers And Victories »
36:58 — « He Left Office Tears Naseeb Total Gautam And Third End Humor Rathore Francis History »
