Summary of La strada verso i Centri Superiori nella Quarta Via di Gurdjieff [Podcast]

In this podcast episode dedicated to the teachings of Gurdjieff's Fourth Way, the presenters discuss various wellness strategies and self-care techniques focused on achieving higher consciousness through understanding and regulating one's internal centers. Here are the key points and strategies highlighted:

Key Wellness Strategies and Self-Care Techniques:

Additional Notes:

The episode emphasizes that the growth of higher internal bodies parallels the physical growth of a child, which requires proper nourishment and conditions. The presenters encourage listeners to take notes and engage deeply with the material for better assimilation.


Notable Quotes

14:34 — « Without relations with the higher energy, life has not slowly meant the desire of the mind for this relationship will become an organic need. »
15:05 — « This is love; it will come to a point in which he will realize that he cannot live without this relationship without anything making sense. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
