Summary of Can I hit a 150lbs/68kg Strict Curl (2lbs off the 🇨🇦 national record) #biceps #bicepsworkout #gym

In this video, the presenter discusses their attempt to achieve a strict curl of 150 lbs, which is just 2 lbs shy of the Canadian national record of 152 lbs. They mention that their previous attempt was hindered by being 5 lbs heavier and by fatigue from powerlifting training, particularly due to squats. However, after performing a safety bar squat the day before, their biceps feel recovered, prompting them to prioritize the safety bar squat for better performance.

The presenter expresses a desire to improve their bicep training and suggests that successfully hitting 150 lbs in the strict curl would affirm their decision to focus on the safety bar squat moving forward, especially after the Nationals.


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