Summary of Aktuelle Kamera, Olaf Scholz 04.01.1984 vor dem ZK der SED bei Egon Krenz nach NATO-Doppelbeschluss

The video features a conversation led by Egon Krenz, a member of the political bureau of the SED (Socialist Unity Party of Germany), with a delegation from the youth wing of the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany), headed by Rudolf Hartung. The meeting takes place against the backdrop of rising tensions due to the deployment of new U.S. medium-range missiles in Europe, which Krenz addresses by emphasizing the GDR's commitment to preventing war from German soil. He discusses the recent central committee meeting of the SED, where domestic and foreign policy issues were highlighted.

Krenz expresses the GDR's intention to support peace efforts and calls for an immediate halt to the deployment of American first-strike weapons, as well as the dismantling of existing missile systems. The youth socialists, represented by Hartung, share their stance on arms limitation and disarmament, advocating for the cessation of missile deployment and the elimination of nuclear weapons in Europe. They plan to support peace movement actions against the deployment of Pershing 2 and cruise missiles in Western Europe, which they argue contradicts the will of the majority of the population.

The meeting includes various members of the SED and the SPD youth socialists, highlighting a collaborative effort towards peace and disarmament in the context of the Cold War tensions.


Notable Quotes

00:00 — « No notable quotes »


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