Summary of 15 Signs Your Pregnancy Is Going Well in The First Trimester

Key Signs of a Healthy Pregnancy

Additional Wellness Tips

Bonus Tip


Notable Quotes

03:06 — « Have you been wondering like, holy moly, what happened to my boobs? Why are they so sore? Or why are they so huge? The increased hormone levels in particular, a hormone called progesterone causes the breast changes. »
04:00 — « There is tired and then there is first trimester. Do I have mono levels of exhaustion? »
10:16 — « Last week, one of the gals in my pregnancy group shared that the reason she took a pregnancy test was because she was watching the new Celine Dion documentary and just bawling her eyes out. »
11:28 — « The same pregnancy hormones that impact smell also impact taste. And balanced nutrition is key, but cravings can really be a part of the journey. »
13:19 — « The most powerful brain hack to help you adjust to pregnancy. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
