Summary of Lo BUENO y lo MALO de la reforma judicial de México 2024 | Mientras tanto en México

Summary of President López Obrador's Judicial Reform

The video discusses the recent approval of President López Obrador's Judicial Reform in Mexico, highlighting both its positive and negative aspects. The reform was passed despite significant protests from judges, magistrates, and international disapproval from the United States and Canada.

Key Points:

Positive Aspects:

Negative Aspects:

Overall, the commentary suggests that while the reform has potential benefits in terms of efficiency and accountability, it raises serious concerns about judicial independence and the potential for increased government control over the judiciary.


Notable Quotes

02:15 — « Although the creation of these organizations is a positive step, it does not address the underlying problem and could put judicial independence at risk. »
02:52 — « The election of judges, ministers and magistrates by popular vote could increase the politicization of the judicial system since the candidates would be chosen more for their popularity or their relationship with the group in power than for their skills and professional experience. »
04:16 — « Instead of improving the judicial system, the reform seems to have the objective of granting greater control to the government in power. »


News and Commentary
