Summary of Blood coagulation | Blood clotting || coagulation | Process of blood clotting | 3D Video

Blood coagulation, also known as blood clotting, is the process that involves red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. When a small artery is cut, collagen fibers are exposed, initiating the clotting process. Platelets adhere to the cut edges, release chemicals to attract more platelets, and form a plug to stop external bleeding. The immobilized fibrinogen attracts factors of blood coagulation, transforming fibrinogen into polymers of fibrin. Thrombo kinase, an enzyme complex, is required for this reaction. Plasmids molecules get attracted to the fibrin net and later destroy it, restoring normal blood flow. ### Methodology - Components of blood: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma - Process of blood clotting: initiation, platelet plug formation, factor activation, fibrin formation, fibrin degradation, restoration of normal blood flow

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