Summary of How much protein do you need per day? To Build Muscle? To Lose Weight?

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram or 0.362 grams per pound for basic survival.

For muscle development and performance, higher protein intake is needed:

lean body mass-based protein intake is more accurate than body weight-based formulas.

Determining body fat percentage can help calculate protein needs accurately.

High protein diets are generally safe for healthy individuals, unlikely to harm kidneys or bones.

Excess protein intake is converted into glucose or fat, may cause gastrointestinal distress.

Experiment to find the right protein intake level for individual needs.


Notable Quotes

04:21 — « going to this higher number ensures they get good results. »
05:49 — « generally those looking to pack on muscle mass can get away with a little bit lower protein intake since theyll still have a surplus of carbs and fat that can accommodate less protein. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
