Summary of Definition of the derivative

The video delves into the concept of differentiation in mathematics, specifically focusing on the definition of a derivative. To find the gradient of a tangent line to a curve at a point, two points are used to calculate the gradient, leading to the concept of limits. The formal definition of the derivative is presented as the limit as H approaches zero of f(x + h) - f(x) / h. Various notations for denoting the derivative are explained. The methodology involves using the definition of the derivative to find derivatives of functions by simplifying the limit expression. Emphasis is placed on understanding the background before utilizing shortcuts or rules of differentiation. ### Methodology 1. Look at the curve and identify the point where the gradient of the tangent line needs to be calculated. 2. Choose a second point close to the first point to calculate the gradient of the line connecting the two points. 3. Define H as the distance between the two points and calculate the gradient as F(a + H) - F(a) / H. 4. Use the limit as H approaches zero to find the derivative of the function at the point a. 5. Notations for denoting the derivative include f'(x), dy/dx, and Df(x). 6. To find the derivative of a function, apply the definition of the derivative by simplifying the expression f(x + h) - f(x) / h. 7. Take H as a common factor and simplify the expression to find the derivative. 8. Understand the background and methodology before applying rules or shortcuts of differentiation.

Notable Quotes

02:01 — « we want this distance from a to the next point to be as small as possible »
02:51 — « I want to make H as small as possible »
04:03 — « formalize the definition of the derivative »
04:22 — « pick a notation and stick to it »
05:04 — « using first principles we're using the definition to get the derivative »
