Summary of What the Lord showed me shook me: There is something coming that the world has never seen before

In this YouTube video, the speaker expresses a strong sense of urgency about upcoming events that they believe will significantly impact the world, particularly in relation to Israel and the United States. The speaker recounts a vision in which they see a major celebratory event in Israel, marked by people dancing and proclaiming the arrival of a deliverer. They describe a spiritual revival among the Jewish people, characterized by public repentance and a return to faith, as well as a powerful manifestation of God's presence.

The speaker also shares a prophetic message about a forthcoming revival in America, likening it to the healing revivals of the 1930s and 1940s. They emphasize that God is "uncapping the wells of revival," suggesting that previously dormant spiritual movements will be reignited, leading to healings and demonstrations of God's glory. The speaker stresses the importance of spiritual preparedness and a personal relationship with God, urging listeners to seek Him directly rather than relying solely on prophetic voices.

Furthermore, the speaker discusses the political landscape in the U.S., predicting a significant event that will expose corruption within both the Democratic and Republican parties. They foresee a time of reckoning that will lead to public outrage and a spiritual awakening among those who have been misled.

The video concludes with an impassioned call to repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, underscoring the urgency of making a personal commitment to faith. The speaker invites viewers to engage with their faith actively and to prepare for the changes they believe are imminent.


Notable Quotes

29:50 — « Our relationship with the Lord should be simple; it shouldn't be all so complicated. It's not algebra, it's subtraction and addition. »
33:07 — « One last call, are you going to get on the boat today? He's calling you, are you going to come home? »
36:43 — « Eternity is forever. You can either be in a devil's hell forever or you can have eternity with Jesus Christ. It's your choice. »
41:21 — « Jesus Christ paid the price for every single one of us to walk in Victory. »


News and Commentary
