Summary of Como fazer renda extra na internet em 2024 // sem renda passiva, sem aposta, sem dinheiro fácil

The video provides a guide on how to earn extra income online in 2024 without relying on passive income, gambling, or get-rich-quick schemes. It emphasizes becoming a copywriter, creating persuasive online content to help clients enhance communication and boost sales. The methodology includes creating persuasive texts in various formats, prospecting for clients, dedicating 10-15 hours per week to writing and prospecting, targeting freelancers, info producers, and e-commerce businesses, starting with ads and content services, adjusting pricing based on experience, delivering materials in Google Drive, and focusing on client loyalty and efficiency. ### Methodology - Making persuasive texts in various formats such as emails, content, and messages - Prospecting for clients and studying the profession and techniques - Working 10-15 hours a week on writing and prospecting - Targeting freelancers, info producers, and e-commerce businesses as potential clients - Starting with ads and content as initial services - Pricing based on writing level, starting with lower rates and increasing with experience - Delivering materials in a Google Drive document with objectives, ideas, feelings, and actions - Focusing on maintaining client loyalty and increasing efficiency over time ### Speakers - Not specified.

Notable Quotes

03:50 — « When I entered this profession of copywriting I instantly fell in love with it. »
05:42 — « The best way to start in this profession and to start with this extra income is to look for people here on the Internet who already want to communicate, who already sell products and services but don't yet have these materials to do this. »
08:37 — « The copywriter has much more control over persuasion. »
12:33 — « The most important thing for you to understand is that the more you write and the more you study about copy, the better you will become. »
