Summary of Celebrating Five Years of ILO Convention 190: Addressing Violence and Harassment in the Word of Work
The video commemorates the fifth anniversary of ILO Convention 190, which focuses on combating violence and harassment in the world of work. Speakers stress the significance of ratifying, implementing, and integrating c190 principles to advance gender equality and women's human rights. They emphasize the necessity of addressing violence and harassment across all sectors, particularly against vulnerable groups like indigenous, minority, migrant, and disabled women. The role of governments, employers, worker organizations, and civil society in creating safe and inclusive workplaces is highlighted.
Key Points
- The discussion delves into the intersectionality of gender-based violence and underscores the importance of collective bargaining and freedom of association in empowering women workers.
- The event aims to generate momentum towards a world of work free of gender-based violence and harassment, leading up to the Beijing plus 30 conference in 2025.
- Representatives from organizations such as the Ford Foundation, UN Women, and the US Department of State contribute to the event, showcasing promising practices and initiatives to combat gender-based violence and bolster women's leadership in the labor sector.
- The conversation also emphasizes the interconnectedness of gender, women's rights, economic policies, democracy, and labor in effectively addressing violence and harassment.
- UN Women's Beijing plus 30 strategy underscores accountability, recommitment, and resourcing for gender equality and women's rights, including the ratification and implementation of C190.
- Regulating technology-facilitated gender-based violence, expanding women's presence in AI and technology fields, and strengthening the link between C190 and domestic violence legislation are also discussed.
- Speakers from various organizations like the Solidarity Center, Feminist Alliance for Rights, and others contribute to the event, shedding light on the importance of collective efforts in combatting gender-based violence and promoting women's leadership in the labor sector.
Notable Quotes
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