Summary of 8 Stages The Dismissive Avoidants Goes Through During No Contact | Dismissive Avoidant Attachment

The video discusses the eight key stages that a dismissive avoidant often goes through during no contact post-breakup.


Notable Quotes

01:56 — « the first stage is the dismissal border tends to feel relief at first they tend to feel like okay I have space »
02:53 — « eventually they start to notice stage two which is this change in a pattern and they start to become curious »
03:32 — « the stage where the dismissal one usually pushes the feelings back down and compartmentalizes them and dismiss some points are very skilled at this »
05:17 — « once we see this like pushing down like okay im missing and im now pushing down and compartmentalizing »
06:16 — « dismissive winds tend to sort of grapple with regret a little bit and can feel sort of like you know i wish i said this or i wish i did this »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
