Summary of Transforme seu MEDO de JULGAMENTO em estado de FLOW (ferramentas de neurociência)

Ruminating on problems can lead to depression and anxiety, reinforcing negative neural pathways.

Fear of judgment can lead to cognitive stagnation and decreased production of bdnf.

Practicing gratitude can help reduce inflammation in the body and brain.

Taking risks and entering a state of flow can lead to the generation of new neural pathways and increased neuroplasticity.

Balancing cognitive strength and cognitive flexibility is important for optimal brain function.

Finding activities that are challenging but possible can help enter the flow state.

Relaxation techniques such as yoga nidra can help improve cognitive flexibility.

Watching inspiring films and spending time in nature can reduce inflammation and increase inspiration.

Visualizing desired outcomes can reinforce neural pathways and increase the likelihood of success.

Playing and engaging in activities that flood the brain with endogenous opioids can help increase fluidity of thought and reduce linear thinking.

Balancing military thinking with a more fluid approach can lead to a more balanced mindset.

Detachment from outcomes and focusing on the journey is important for overall well-being.


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Notable Quotes

00:11 — « literally makes them grow, »
01:41 — « cognitive practice of gratitude, »
05:27 — « person who is already very disciplined, »
06:39 — « sensory information by lying down or sitting for 10 to 20 minutes without seeing or hearing anything, »
08:39 — « visualizing reinforced the neural pathways, »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
