Summary of The power of listening | William Ury | TEDxSanDiego

In the TEDx talk "The Power of Listening," William Ury emphasizes the critical role of listening in effective communication and negotiation. He argues that while society is filled with talking, Genuine Listening is often neglected, yet it is essential for understanding, connecting, and resolving conflicts.

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Ury concludes with a vision of a world transformed by listening, where conflicts are resolved peacefully, relationships are strengthened, and communication becomes truly effective.


Notable Quotes

00:51 — « I believe that listening is the missing half of communication. »
09:29 — « If we want to listen to the other side, we have to learn to listen to ourselves first. »
12:19 — « This is my dream. A listening revolution that can turn this Age of Communication into an Age of Listening. »
13:49 — « What if we had not just peace talks, but peace listens? »
15:17 — « One of the biggest gifts we can give anyone is the gift of being heard. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
