Summary of Gestión Documental, Foliación y Archivos en la Administración Pública y Privada | Liz Agapito Ulloa

Video Summary

The video titled "Gestión Documental, Foliación y Archivos en la Administración Pública y Privada" presented by Liz Agapito Ulloa focuses on document management, Foliation, and archiving in both public and private administration. The key points and strategies discussed in the video are as follows:

Main Financial Strategies and Business Trends

Market Analysis

Methodology and Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Understanding Foliation:
    • Foliation should be conducted from top to bottom or bottom to top, as per the latest directive.
    • Only the front side of documents should be foliated, and blank pages should not be included.
    • Use of specific colors for Foliation (preferably blue) and the inclusion of the name, position, and signature of the person who carried out the rectification.
  2. Document Management Implementation:
  3. Archival Document Control Program (PCDA):
    • Create a PCDA by processes to manage archival documents effectively.
    • Identify types of documents that make up documentary series and their retention periods.
  4. Training and Capacity Building:
    • Continuous training and sensitization of staff regarding document management practices and legal frameworks.


This summary encapsulates the core financial strategies, market analyses, and methodological steps discussed in the video regarding document management and Foliation practices in public and private sectors.

Notable Quotes

00:00 — « No notable quotes »


Business and Finance
