Summary of Стандарты | Руководство пользователя | Платформа Стингрей
The video discusses the Stingray platform's approach to managing security standards for applications. It covers how users can add, modify, and check compliance with various security standards, including both well-known and custom standards. Key points include:
Key Points
- Standards Management:
- Users can access the standards tab to view all standards applicable to their company.
- Compliance checks can be performed across all projects within the company.
- Key Security Standards:
- OWASP Mobile Top 10: A widely recognized standard for mobile application security that identifies the top 10 vulnerabilities.
- PCI DSS: An international standard for protecting payment card data.
- SF PC Framework: Focuses on software security and includes standards related to software and processes.
- GOST 57580: A standard ensuring the security of financial transactions, particularly in banking.
- Standard Structure:
- Each standard comprises categories of requirements, which can be customized by adding or modifying requirements.
- Example requirements include storing sensitive data securely and ensuring secure transmission of information.
- Compliance Scanning:
- Users can enable or disable specific standards during scans to assess compliance.
- The results of scans indicate which requirements are met and which are not, with detailed information on defects causing non-compliance.
- Custom Standards:
- Users can create internal standards to monitor specific requirements, such as ensuring that debug settings are not enabled in production applications.
The video emphasizes the flexibility of the Stingray platform in allowing organizations to tailor their security standards and compliance checks according to their specific needs.
Main Speakers/Sources
The video does not specify individual speakers but presents information about the Stingray platform and its features.
Notable Quotes
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