Summary of Technology Simplified and Optimized - TurnerTime Training to Save Time and Be More Productive
Managing emails, meetings, interruptions, and other tasks can fill up your day, leading to a feeling of losing track of time.
By making a few adjustments, you can free up to two hours every workday.
Turner Time Management offers a simple, non-technical system that can be customized to fit your business and life.
The system involves four simple steps:
- Complete a brief questionnaire to identify the best technology tips and tools for you.
- Schedule a training class to explain the system and provide easy-to-use tips.
- Have one-on-one phone and screen share sessions with a time management expert to implement your customized system on your devices.
- With Turner Time, you can be more productive and get more done, making the most of your time.
Contact Turner Time Management for more information or visit their website.
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