Summary of The absolute power of the UN Security Council permanent members


The video discusses the structure, history, and functioning of the UN Security Council (UNSC), particularly focusing on the power dynamics among its five permanent members: the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China.

Key Points

Overall, the video portrays the UNSC as a powerful but controversial body that reflects historical power dynamics and current geopolitical realities.


Notable Quotes

11:23 — « The final and ultimate reason for having a permanent member in the UN Security Council wielding the ultimate power of veto is to make sure that these five countries, all of them are nuclear powers, do not feel threatened enough to wage war. »
12:30 — « What we call going mad in international relations is an abbreviation for mutually assured destruction. »
13:14 — « Nobody wants a nuclear Holocaust; nobody wants any country to feel threatened at that level to start waging war. »


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