Summary of 10 UNTANGLING Hygiene Practices in the Wild West, can you believe it..?

Hygiene Practices

Health and Sanitation

Notable Locations and Products


The video emphasizes that while hygiene practices have significantly evolved, there are lessons from the past that can inform present-day habits. The challenges of the Wild West serve as a reminder of the importance of cleanliness and health.

Notable Quotes

12:19 — « In the wild west, hair care was a whole different ball game. No fancy shampoos, just plain lard and lye soap bars. No frills, just function. »
18:21 — « Men were way dirtier than women in the wild west. Staying clean was tough; water was scarce, so most people were lucky if they could take a bath once a week. »
18:51 — « Thanks for joining us on this journey through the untamed hygiene practices of the Wild West. We hope you've gained some fascinating insights into the ways people maintained their cleanliness in such challenging times. »


