Summary of OOPS Interview Questions and Answers | Object Oriented Programming Interview Questions C#

Object-oriented programming concepts are crucial in technical interviews as they are fundamental in every project. Understanding abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, overloading, dynamic and static polymorphism, abstract classes, and interfaces is key. Practical examples should be incorporated to reinforce theoretical answers. Abstraction aids in thinking in terms of real-world objects, while encapsulation conceals complexity. Inheritance establishes parent-child relationships for inheriting common properties and adding functionalities. Polymorphism enables objects to behave differently under varying conditions through method overloading and overriding. Operator overloading allows redefining operators with added functionalities. Abstract classes serve as partially defined parent classes, while interfaces act as contracts binding developers to specific methods and properties. Interfaces enhance change management and impact analysis in software projects. To achieve multiple inheritance, developers can create a new interface and implement it along with existing ones.

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Notable Quotes

51:17 — « Solid principles in that, that I stands for interface segregation principle (ISP). »
53:29 — « Can we do multiple inheritance with abstract classes? No, you cant. You can only do multiple inheritance with an interface. »
54:19 — « Abstract class is a partial class, some methods are implemented and some are not. »
54:58 — « When all the methods are abstract between the interface, what is the difference? »
57:31 — « A prepared developer has more chance of cracking an interview than an unprepared superhero. »


