Summary of Global Wealth Inequality - What you never knew you never knew (See description for 2017 updates)

Summary of Global Wealth Inequality

The video discusses the alarming state of Global Wealth Inequality, emphasizing that while much attention is given to inequality within the United States, the situation is even more severe on a global scale. Key points include:

Overall, the video paints a grim picture of Global Wealth Inequality and urges viewers to reconsider the structures that perpetuate this disparity.


The video does not specify individual presenters or contributors.

Notable Quotes

03:20 — « Rich governments like to say they're helping poor countries develop, but who's developing who here? »
03:24 — « This makes me think that there's something wrong with the basic rules of the global economy. »
03:32 — « It can't be right that the wealth of our planet is becoming so concentrated in the hands of such a tiny number of people. »
03:37 — « The only reasonable response, it seems to me, and our only hope, is to change the rules. »


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