Summary of Indigenous Science with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Dr. Jessica Hernandez

In the video "Indigenous Science with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Dr. Jessica Hernandez," the discussion centers around the intersection of indigenous knowledge and environmental science, emphasizing the importance of integrating indigenous perspectives in addressing climate change and ecological issues.

Scientific Concepts and Discoveries:

Methodologies and Practices:

Challenges Highlighted:

Featured Researchers and Sources:

Overall, the video emphasizes the importance of recognizing and valuing indigenous knowledge systems in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation, advocating for a more inclusive approach to science and policy-making.

Notable Quotes

08:13 — « Indigenous science addresses colonialism. »
25:01 — « Ancestral knowledge is cherished and handed down from generation to generation. »
26:01 — « Not every indigenous person agrees with me, but I always include our black relatives into the indigene discourse. »
27:01 — « When we look at the Mayan civilization, we had codices which were our writing style. »
36:21 — « Indigenous knowledge is not necessarily meant to be kept in secret. »


Science and Nature
