Summary of Factors affecting in vitro cultures
In vitro cultures of plant tissues are affected by factors such as growth media, explant source, and environmental factors.
- Growth media provide essential mineral ions for plant tissue growth and morphogenesis, with commonly used media including MS medium, LS medium, B5 medium, and N6 medium.
- Plant tissue culture media contain macronutrients, micronutrients, carbon and energy sources, vitamins, myo-inositol, amino acids, organic supplements, growth regulators, and solidifying agents.
- Macronutrients include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, while micronutrients include iron, manganese, zinc, boron, copper, and molybdenum.
- Carbon and energy sources like sucrose, vitamins like thiamine and nicotinic acid, and amino acids are essential for plant tissue culture.
- Agar is commonly used as a solidifying agent in plant tissue culture media.
- Plant growth regulators like auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, and ethylene play roles in cell division, shoot and root formation, and growth regulation.
- Explant source, including genotype, physiological state of donor plant, weather conditions, explant size, position in donor plant, and explant density, affects tissue culture response.
- Environmental factors like lighting, temperature, oxygen gradient, and pH in culture vessels also influence in vitro cultures.
- Obtaining high frequency shoot regeneration is crucial for efficient transformation systems and clonal propagation of plants in tissue culture studies.
Researchers or sources featured
- International Association for Plant Physiology.
Notable Quotes
— 01:45 — « The growth media are simply the culture media is one of the most important factors affecting growth and morphogenesis of plant tissues and the culture media supply the entire essential mineral ions required for in vitro growth and morphogenesis of plant tissues. »
— 14:22 — « The second factor affecting culture plant tissues is explant source. »
Science and Nature