Summary of Unicast, multicast y broadcast. Curso de redes desde 0 | Cap 19 |

Importance of having small and segmented networks due to the growth of devices connected to networks.

Explanation of unicast, multicast, and broadcast transmissions at the link layer level.

Issues with broadcast traffic causing network saturation and inefficiency.

Analogy of unicast, multicast, and broadcast transmissions using a wedding celebration.

Segmenting networks into smaller groups to reduce broadcast domain size and improve network efficiency.

Introduction to VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) for network segmentation.

Advantages of using VLANs for network management and organization.

Notable Quotes

06:07 — « let's go to the multicast case. let's go to the multicast case and how would the »
06:14 — « the problem The problem is in the broadcast like It's logical Why very simple Because it can »
08:44 — « people are talking to each other and all of a sudden a new diner comes in and they don't know where they are. »


