Summary of 1 день

The video features Zubova Yulia Vitalievna discussing the importance of water instruction and the difference between training and instruction. She emphasizes the need for information and basic rules to be followed during the briefing. Yulia also covers various topics related to business, investments, and setting goals, including the basic conditions of the company, financial literacy, career development, and forms of work.

Notable Quotes

36:12 — « Often, street trading was previously allowed but time has passed and government decree has been issued where street trading is prohibited. »
40:27 — « The idea may become outdated, the knowledge may not be enough. »
63:08 — « Sometimes people think, Why does someone achieve some goals or desires once or twice, and someone seems to jump from place to place, as a result, they achieve nothing, receive nothing. That is, most often this happens due to the fact that the person’s direction is not set correctly,] »


